

作为校友, 你知道——也许比任何人都清楚——具有里程碑意义的大学的教育有一些特别之处.

Meaningful relationships with advisors, 教授, 教练鼓励终身学习,永远影响学生的生活.

与你的 校友基金捐赠具有里程碑意义的大学可以继续为学生的学习和生活提供坚实的基础. The 校友 Fund helps every student every day.

The 校友 Fund is a great way to:

  • 对你在具有里程碑意义的大学获得的经历表示感谢
  • Provide students with a similar experience
  • 赋予人们和项目权力,使地标学院与众不同
  • Stay connected to the College’s community
  • Most of all, change a life!

你的年度捐赠金额并不重要,重要的是你的参与! Landmark’s fiscal year runs from July 1 – June 30.


Contact us for more information or make a gift online 今天!


THANK YOU—to all of our 2021 alumni donors!



Director of 校友 Relations

19 River Road South
普特尼,VT 05346
[email protected]

Learn 关于 Some Of Our Endowed Scholarship

Motivated by our earliest alumni, 吉姆和卡罗琳奥利弗捐赠奖学金是在2018年同学会的先驱聚会上设立的. The scholarship honors Jim and Carolyn Olivier, 两个人在我们的母校走向成功的道路上发挥了重要作用. 我们聚集在一起,以他们的名义设立了一项奖学金,我们要求你们中与地标学院形成时期有联系的人今天做出承诺,帮助启动该基金.

该奖学金旨在表彰吉姆和卡罗琳对地标学院的影响,以及那些在奥利弗任职期间参加或为学院工作的人的生活. 该奖项颁发给表现出毅力的大学转校生, 自我意识, and a drive to learn despite his or her learning difference. 除了, the recipient should possess personal characteristics that reflect the pioneering spirit of those who lived on campus in the early years of Landmark: the intellect of Ron Marr; the adventurous spirit of April Godfrey Landale; the integrity of Roxie Bratton; the compassion and understanding of Mark Richards; and the idealism of the original 77 students.

Make a Gift Online

Was John Bagge your baseball coach? 也许他是你的老师、顾问、篮球教练或住校院长. 如果你在过去的四分之一个世纪左右就读于地标学院, you have a John Bagge story to tell. John retired from Landmark, and in honor of him and of the College’s 25th anniversary, 一群校友认为,早该向这位对许多人意义重大的伟人致敬了.

我们的良师益友, our teacher and our friend, he saw the good in every young person, and in every instance we became better because of him. John had a quiet, 平静任何情况的简单方法,并为每个问题带来谦逊的光辉. He was not one to get too upset or overly excited, 除了看到你按时上课或完成困扰你数周的论文时的兴奋. 约翰一直是我们不知疲倦的啦啦队长,现在是我们为他加油的时候了. 约翰·巴格奖学金基金将像约翰一贯所做的那样,为有资格的学生提供帮助.

Checks can be mailed to the following address:

Office of Institutional Advancement
19 River Road South
普特尼,VT 05346

Make a Gift Online

The 校友 Endowed Scholarship Fund, 由地标学院校友顾问委员会于2008年成立, 通过设立永久的奖学金基金来支持学生的成功和机会, 为不断上涨的学费提供长期的缓解,学费使许多学生无法利用学院提供的独特教育机会.

支持地标学院的校友捐赠奖学金基金是对校友提供教育机会的一种有形的表达. 有许多不同的方式给校友捐赠奖学金基金在地标学院. 所有的礼物, regardless of size, 有助于进一步加强学院对学习差异学生的独特和历史使命.

Checks can be mailed to the following address:

Office of Institutional Advancement
19 River Road South
普特尼,VT 05346

Make a Gift Online

  • Yours is a gift with an immediate and lasting impact, 支持地标学院体验的每个核心组成部分. 每年, 来自数千名LC鲨鱼的礼物仍然是我们维持我们伟大学院的努力的核心,并确保Landmark继续投资于其非凡的学生, 教师, 和研究.

    Every alumni gift has a multiplier effect, 因为每一份对校友基金的捐款都有机会在我们独特的年度校友捐赠挑战中发挥更大的作用. 也, every alumni gift supports the College’s reputation, 作为公司, 基金会, 和家庭都使用校友基金参与率来判断学院的实力.

    Like many institutions, 具有里程碑意义的大学必须依靠捐款来帮助弥补学费和具有里程碑意义的大学教育成本之间的差距.

    校友基金捐赠s support:

    • Scholarships for deserving students
    • Attracting and retaining respected 教师
    • Advancement of our technological infrastructure
    • Development of new academic initiatives
    • Updating laboratory equipment
    • Building library resources
    • Maintaining and enhancing campus facilities

    So what does this all mean? No matter the size of your gift, it still goes a long way!

    “作为一名刚毕业的大学生,还有一份入门级的薪水, giving back to my college is not something I thought I’d do, 但我答应了! 为什么? Because 具有里程碑意义的大学 changed my life. 我从Landmark毕业,感觉自己在这个世界上有了一席之地,有了贡献.” —Scout MacEachron

    请考虑捐赠给地标学院校友基金, a fund established specifically for our alumni community.

    Make a Gift Online

  • Instead of the entire amount of the gift being spent outright, the total amount of the gift is invested. 每年, only a portion of the invested income earned is spent, while the remainder is added to the original principal. An endowment is a perpetual gift, 因为只有收入是用来支持地标学院的, while the principal continuously grows.

    Always equated with excellence and long-term strength, 如果具有里程碑意义的大学要在教育有学习差异的学生方面保持领先地位,捐赠是绝对必要的. 支持Landmark学院的捐赠奖学金之一是将您作为Landmark校友或校友的遗产与学院的未来永远联系起来的好方法.

    Checks can be mailed to the following address:

    Office of Institutional Advancement
    19 River Road South
    普特尼,VT 05346

    Make a Gift Online
